Monday, January 30, 2012


+ updated at 2:52pm EST on Friday, January 27, 2012

+ Devotion is one of the twelve heavenly practices on the amazing journey to sustainable abundance.  I have collected a few of my favorite resources for this practice. Here goes:

+ The Mindfulness Bell can be set to remind you to take Mindfulness breaks.

+ Gratefulness offers a  Gratefulness Word for the Day.

+ Spirituality and Practice offers a wise and insightful Daily Practice.

+ Spirituality & Practice offers a great guide to the spiritual practice of devotion by Frederic & Mary Ann Brussat who also cover many other practices at their amazing website. They have written thousands of book reviews, movie reviews, compilations of engaging quotes and educational guides.

+ Inner Frontier offers Joseph Naft on the Practice of Devotion.

+ Inner Frontier offers Joseph Naft on the Practice of Prayer. It begins: "Prayer is the heart of the spiritual path. When you ponder why this universe exists, you might speculate that the Creator needs beings who can pray, that in prayer a necessary exchange of energies and will flows between the created and the Creator."

+ Inner Frontier Weekly Work

+ The Church of I Am

+ Daily Word -- Unity's DAILY WORD is a devotional booklet used by millions. You can be a part of a global community united for peace and healing.

+ Daily Zen -- Zen Buddhism is closely associated with the Chinese TAO TE CHING. I have found enormous inspiration and guidance by turning to this source often.

+ The Lectionary -- The Lectionary is a great way to read through the Bible on a daily and/or weekly basis. Many Christian churches use the Lectionary.

+ Hymns -- While this particular website is Presbyterian, it connects to other hymn websites. Start singing as you listen to the audio accompaniment which is often provided!

+ Centering Prayer & Lectio Divina -- Father Thomas Keating has brought new life to ancient practices of the church.

+ A Course in Miracles -- I have found ACIM to be a fantastic and very challeging course developing a heavenly way of thinking beyond any ego attachment. I have been working on the text and the 365 lessons since 1989. ACIM is definitely not for everybody although a course in miracles in one form or another is a required course. Mary Ann Williamson applies many of the principles of ACIM in her books, lectures and website. For many, she makes ACIM comprehensible!

+ WahiduddinNet offers A Daily Bowl of Saki, a wonderful devotional tool on the Sufi practice of love.

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