Saturday, August 13, 2022


+ I have collected a huge amount of quotes on many topics and that's what I will be sharing here in these OAJ posts for a while.  These are some of the quotes I have collected on NATURE:

There is One Holy Book, the sacred manuscript of nature,

the only scripture which can enlighten the reader.

– Hazrat Inayat Khan


Weeds are flowers, too, once you get to know them.

— Eeyore (through A.A. Milne)


The “Amen” of nature is always a flower.

— Oliver Wendell Holmes


You are comprised of: 84 minerals, 23 Elements,

and 8 gallons of water spread across 38 trillion cells.

You have been built up from nothing by the spare parts of the Earth …

You are recycled butterflies, plants, rocks, streams, firewood, wolf fur, and shark teeth,

broken down to their smallest parts and rebuilt into our planet’s most complex living thing.

You are not living on Earth. You are Earth.

— Aubrey Marcus


Heaven is the daily bread of the eyes.

 -- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.

-- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Uniformity is not nature’s way; diversity is nature’s way.

-- Vandana Shiva


My religion is nature.

That’s what arouses those feelings of wonder and mysticism and gratitude in me.

-- Oliver Sacks


If we fall in love with creation deeper and deeper,

we will respond to its endangerment with passion. 

-- Hildegard of Bingen


If we surrendered to Earth’s intelligence we could rise up rooted, like trees.

-- Rainer Maria Rilke


It is never too late to go quietly to our lakes, rivers, oceans, even our small streams,

and say to the sea gulls, the great blue herons, the bald eagles, the salmon,

that we are sorry.

— Brenda Peterson

Our survival is dependent on the realization that Mother Earth is a truly holy being, that all things in this world are holy and must not be violated, and that we must share and be generous with one another. You may call this thought by whatever fancy words you wish — psychology, theology, sociology, or philosophy — but you must think of Mother Earth as a living being. Think of your fellow men and women as holy people who were put here by the Great Spirit. Think of being related to all things! With this philosophy in mind as we go on with our environmental ecology efforts, our search for spirituality, and our quest for peace, we will be far more successful when we truly understand the Indians' respect for Mother Earth.

— Ed McGaa aka Eagle Man in Mother Earth Spirituality



It is in the depths of life that we find you

at the heart of this moment

at the centre of our soul

deep in the earth and its eternal stirrings.

You are the Ground of all being

the Well-Spring of time

Womb of the earth

the Seed-Force of stars.

And so at the opening of this day

we wait

not for blessings from afar

but for You

the very Soil of our soul

the early Freshness of morning

the first Breath of day.

Be still and aware.

-- John Philip Newell in Praying with the Earth

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