Thursday, May 22, 2008


In a Washington Post opinion piece, J Street Director, Jeremy Ben-Ami says: "Some ... claim that supporting Israel means reflexively supporting every Israeli action and implacably opposing every Israeli foe -- adopting the talking points of neoconservatives and the most right-wing elements of the American Jewish and Christian Zionist communities. Criticize or question Israeli behavior and you're labeled "anti-Israel," or worse. But unquestioning encouragement for short-sighted Israeli policies such as expanding Jewish settlements in the West Bank isn't real friendship. (Would a true friend not only let you drive home drunk but offer you their Porsche and a shot of tequila for the road?) Israel needs real friends, not enablers. And forging a healthy friendship with Israel requires bursting some myths about what it means to be pro-Israel."

Here's a J STREET comment on Pastor Hagee: "Have you heard the latest from Pastor John Hagee, John McCain supporter and leader of Christians United for Israel? / Audiotape just surfaced of Hagee preaching that God sent Hitler to cause the Holocaust so that Jews would move to Israel, in fulfillment of Hagee's conception of biblical prophecy. Read more about J Street's petition to McCain asking him to renounce Hagee here."


Bothell RV / Boat Storage Places said...

Nicely presented information.

Snoqualmie Boat Storage Places said...

Democracy in America is a series of narrow escapes, and we may be running out of luck.