Wednesday, May 13, 2009


God's Politics offers "Jesus Did NOT Kill Mohammad" by Jarrod McKenna.

Mckenna is responding here to a very troubling incident depicted in a film where soldiers try to convert Moslems in Iraq and feel justified in killing any who take offense at the claims of Jesus.

Excerpt: "While the U.S. military is seeking to go into damage control and discipline soldiers who have broken the proselytizing laws, the church must also deal with the damage to our witness that saying 'Jesus is the Way' while failing to live 'the Way of Jesus' causes. There are deep questions we as the church must ask that go to the heart of who God is, what the gospel is, and what God’s grace calls us to and empowers us for."

This article, like the book John Shuck reviewed (below), helps us to realize how we Progressive Christians must fight back and reclaim our faith from those who don't get it. McKenna mentions some other timely books and offers important ideas of his own.

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