Friday, December 11, 2009


+ Democracy Now! offers an interview with Naomi Klein who believes "the fate of the planet rests on a "Mass Movement for Climate Justice." 

+ My friend John Preston offers "Countdown to CO2PENHAGEN", a very informative article for the Presbyterian Global Eco(n)-Justice e-Newsletter. Excerpts:
  • In the past, environment and social justice were too often separate tracks. Eco-justice acknowledges the inter-connections between environmental and social justice. Climate change exemplifies this as we see those already impoverished in the world encountering and suffering the impacts of global warming most severely, in the form of fatal droughts and floods. The developed world, as the major climate polluters in the world, is coming to recognize our responsibility for this suffering. More of us are accepting our moral obligation to support the current and future victims of climate change. The term for this cushioning is adaptation, which includes the social justice side of the equation.
  • Wendell Berry in a recent essay entitled "Inverting the Economic Order" radically questions the basic paradigm of developed world economics. His agrarian perspective is a key to sustainability and the faithful stewardship of creation. Berry's way of looking at the economics of our earth is to understand that nature comes first, land use second, the manufacturing economy third, and the consumer and financial economy last. He charges that we of the developed world has exactly inverted this order, to our detriment.

+ Care2MakeADifference offers "COPENHAGEN: 10 Million Strong, and Growing".

+ Care2MakeADifference offers "COPENHAGEN: The 7 Things Scientists Want You to Know About Climate Change".

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