Wednesday, January 6, 2010


+ updated at 1:34pm EST, January 6, Epiphany

+ I am very impressed with the Spiritually Literate New Year's Resolutions Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat offer us.  They are the very wise and knowledgeable couple behind the amazing resources of Spirituality and Practice.  Themes covered in their ten resolutions include: Living in the here-and-now; Making Connections; Paying Attention; Gratitude; Hospitality; Working for Peace and Justice; Reverence; and, Life-long Learning.  The link is to a PDF formatted document.  You can print it and hang it up somewhere.

+ Spirituality and Practice is always offering fantastic E-courses for very reasonable fees. I have signed up for "Catalysts for Change" which begins tomorrow, January 7 and continues to January 27.  Maybe the following promotional material will motivate you to sign up:

You've probably started many a year with a set of New Year's Resolutions — large and lofty goals covering all aspects of your life — and then watched them fall to the wayside one by one. Perhaps you've written your spiritual aspirations for the future or set an intention at the beginning of a new project . . . and you've missed the mark on these, too, as old habits, addictions, fixed ideas, and other resistances have blocked the road ahead. So how do you change you life?

Change is a fundamental premise and promise of the spiritual life. As Sam Keen put it: "The great metaphors from all spiritual traditions — grace, liberation, being born again, awakening from illusions — testify that it is possible to transcend the conditioning of the past and do a new thing."

Sometimes this transformation is dramatic, but more often it comes through small steps. We shift our perspective, for example, and those irksome resistances become pointers to where we need to work. Our challenges become our coaches in perseverance. We seek advice and learn from the experiences of great spiritual teachers about other approaches. What are the best catalysts for change? Daily, simple, and consistent spiritual practices.

Recovery programs say that it takes three weeks to break a habit or start a new practice. Start 2010 by joining us for a 21-day journey on the path of change. Each day you will receive an email with a short reading from a spiritual teacher and a spiritual practice to do to help you firm up your resolve and make small steps for change. Then login to our online Practice Circle to share your progress, get support during times of difficulty, and enjoy the insights of a community of spiritual companions from around the world.   

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