Wednesday, March 2, 2011


+ The Charter for Compassion is one of the most significant campaigns for world peace and justice now happening.  67,190 have signed as I write this at 12:48pm EST on Wednesday, March 2, 2011. I hope that number includes YOU.

+ As I often do, I am "attending" The Church of I Am in cyberspace.  Here's the wisdom I am dwelling on right now (1pm EST, Wednesday, March 2):

If I penetrate to the depths of my own existence to the indefinable AM that is myself in its deepest roots, then through this deep center I pass into the infinite I AM which is the very Name of the Almighty.
-- Thomas Merton

Go to The Church of I Am.

+ Here's what I have been studying in an online course, InterSpiritual Meditation, led by Ed Bastian and the Spirituality and Practice team:

The purposes of InterSpiritual Meditation are:

1. to help each of us to develop and sustain a comprehensive, satisfying, and sustainable process of meditation.

2. to help us co-create contemplative communities for people of diverse faiths and meditative practices. InterSpiritual Meditation is designed to provide a process around which meditators of diverse practices can build community.

3. to model a profound process for people of various religious traditions, and those without a tradition, to join together to create peace and to solve the critical challenges of our times.

The seven steps are:
(1) Motivation (May I be Healthy and Happy)
(2) Gratitude (May I be Grateful)
(3) Transformation (May I be Transformed in my Highest Ideals)
(4) Intention (May I be Loving and Compassionate)
(5) Mindfulness (May I be Mindful through my Breathing)
(6) Meditation (May I become Wise through my Meditation)
(7) Dedication (May I be in Service to All Beings)

We are now on Step 6.  The course is available online although the wonderful sharing going on in Practice Circles will soon be over.

+ This post was updated at 1:43pm EST on Wednesday, March 2, 2011.

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