Tuesday, October 25, 2016


+ We are called to create and enjoy a realm of compassion, peace, justice and sustainable abundance for all.

+ Abundance surrounds and sustains us like the air we breathe; it is only our habitual self-protectiveness that prevents us from perceiving it. Thus, the real problem with any constrictive motion (defending, hoarding, accumulating, clinging) is that it makes us spiritually blind, unable to see the dance of divine generosity that is always flowing toward us.
-- Cynthia Bourgeault

+ She nails it too.  Maybe we just need to start dancing instead of constantly engaging in all kinds of busy-ness and preoccupations and distractions and doubts and worries.  God wants us to be creative and compassionate dance partners here on this fantastic planet in this amazing universe.

+ Although Spirituality & Practice doesn’t have Abundance per se as a practice, they do offer an abundance of resources  on many practices which are all about abundance including:  Gratitude |  Wonder | Connections | Attention

Also, many of their Twelves Galleries focus on abundance.  With the following links you can quickly  choose among them >

+ I would love it if you offered a guest post.  And, I have work to do on the Abundancetrek Abundance page.  Maybe you can help.  Send an email with the subject “Abundance” or “Heavenly Attributes” or “Guest Post” to John@abundancetrek.com.

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