Wednesday, October 26, 2016


+ We are called to create and enjoy a realm of compassion, peace, justice and sustainable abundance for all.

+ This is the last post in our exploration of the heavenly attribute of Abundance.  Here is some essential wisdom on the theme by two contemporary prophets of the Emerging Church (McLaren) and Esoteric Christianity (Bourgeault):  

·         The first and greatest surprise – a miracle, really – is this: that anything exists at all, and that we get to be part of it. Ripe peach, crisp apple, tall mountain, bright leaves, sparkling water, flying flock, flickering flame, and you and me … here, now!
-- Brian D. McLaren in We Make the Road by Walking

·         To perceive oneself as one with everything is to directly experience the flow of divine abundance that holds everything together; to know directly (rather than merely deduce) the extravagant Trinitarian joy with which everything is at all times giving itself away and receiving itself back from the molten flow of love at the center of everything.
-- Cynthia Bourgeault

+ It is essential that we realize that we can expect to be blessed forever as we “directly experience the flow of divine abundance that holds everything together.” It is “a miracle, really.” It is “the extravagant Trinitarian joy.” It is the fantastic, amazing “molten flow of love at the center of everything” given to us freely, endlessly, infinitely and unconditionally.  We will encounter this abundance again and again as we explore the remaining eight attributes of HeavenThe next attribute we explore will be Joy. 

+ Although Spirituality & Practice doesn’t have Abundance per se as a practice, they do offer an abundance of resources  on many practices which are all about abundance including:  Gratitude |  Wonder | Connections | Attention

Also, many of their Twelves Galleries focus on abundance.  With the following links you can quickly  choose among them >

+ I would love it if you offered a guest post.  And, I have work to do on the Abundancetrek Abundance page.  Maybe you can help.  Send an email with the subject “Abundance” or “Heavenly Attributes” or “Guest Post” to

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