Saturday, December 3, 2016


+ We are called to create and enjoy a realm of compassion, peace, justice and sustainable abundance for all.

The fruit of the Spirit is love,
joy, peace, patience,
kindness, generosity,
faithfulness, gentleness,
Against such there
is no law.
-- Galatians 5: 22-23

+ Peace, in its most fundamental form, is the connection of one human spirit to another.
This was the Gratefulness Word for the Day on May 25, 2016

+ This connection is available to us unconditionally.  There are no limits.  “Against such there is no law.”  The gift of freedom (coming soon as the last of the 9 Attributes of Heaven) is what makes it possible for us to create connections galore.  Peace expands as we realize the abundance of these connections and enjoy them.

Maybe you have heard this before:
We are
by a matrix of
which is
mysterious and

+ Desmond Tutu is one of the great spiritual teachers of our times and he has guided us in these explorations before: SE244 | SE 314 | SE332

+ Spirituality & Practice offers plenty of resources on the practice of Peace and plenty of resources on the practice of Justice. Also S&P provides a 12s Gallery of Memes on Peace and a 12s Gallery of Memes on Justice.  Also, there is plenty of resources on the practice of Connections and a 12s Gallery on Connections.
The meme for this post comes from the Connections gallery.

+ I would love it if you offered a guest post.  And, I have work to do on the Abundancetrek Peace page. Maybe you can help.  Send an email with the subject “Peace” or “Heavenly Attributes” or “Guest Post” to

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