Sunday, January 1, 2017


+ We are called to create and enjoy a realm of compassion, peace, justice and sustainable abundance for all.

+ This is the first Spiritual Exploration post of 2017. Unlike the 366 Spiritual Exploration posts of 2016, this post may last for a while with changes and additions.  Your reflections are welcome and can be added. 

+ How to know God? By being still. How to be still? By practice of meditation. Meditation is the art of being still in body, in mind, in heart, in will, in the entire inner being, and enabling the higher Divine Consciousness in us to have direct, immediate perception of God.
-- Omkarananda

+ Be still, and the world is bound to turn herself inside out to entertain you. Everywhere you look, joyful noise is clanging to drown out quiet desperation.
-- Barbara Kingsolver in High Tide in Tucson

+ You do not need to do anything; you do not need to leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. You do not even need to listen; just wait. You do not even need to wait; just become still, quiet and solitary and the world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked. It has no choice. It will roll in ecstasy at your feet.
-- Franz Kafka

+ We began this journey a year ago exploring the practice of stillness. You can easily reach the 40 SE posts on the practice of stillness since the links can be found on the Abundancetrek Stillness page and on the page with all 366 links. Stillness is an essential practice, the foundation for all spiritual practice since it is the one practice which stops the chattering monkey which gets in the way of our connection to Greater Reality.  So, let’s begin again practicing stillness and see where we go in our spiritual explorations in 2017 and beyond.  It’s an amazing journey.  I am anticipating finding new ways to explore the 9 Attributes of Heaven and 12 Spiritual Practices. Suggestions welcome.

We are intimately, intricately and infinitely connected by a matrix of unconditional, unlimited and uniting love which is miraculous, mysterious and marvelous.

We can remember who we are and what we can do because we are gloriously free to put our attention on creating and enjoying a realm of compassion, peace, justice and sustainable abundance for all with every breath.

Breathe deeply. Breathe fully. Be still. Be silent. Be centered. Be grounded. Lighten up. Loosen up. Let go. Let God. Celebrate. Enjoy. Be glad all over!

This is bliss.

+ You can send an email with the subject “Spiritual Explorations” or “Guest Post” to

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