Monday, May 10, 2021






+ Resurrection + Richard Rohr nails it >

excerpts >

"All will be well, and all will be well, and every kind of thing will be well." —Julian of Norwich, Showings, chapter 27

"I like to think of the resurrection as God’s way of telling us that God can take the worst thing in the world—the killing of the God-Human Jesus—and change it into the best thing: the redemption of the world."

"If divine incarnation has any truth to it, then resurrection is a foregone conclusion, not a one-time anomaly in the body of Jesus, as our Western understanding of the resurrection felt it needed to prove—and then it couldn’t. The Risen Christ is not a one-time miracle but the revelation of a universal pattern that is hard to see in the short run."

Comment by Juliet Rohde-Brown  > ❤️


+ Journaling on each of the 7 steps of InterSpiritual Meditation is a practice which can really increase our effectiveness as we continue to engage with our deep connection to all. please join me in contemplating Step Two for a while. MAY WE (YOU, I) BE GRATEFUL FOR LIFE’S MANY GIFTS

I Invite you to share your insights and experiences on your practice of being grateful.

“We gratefully remember our teachers, loved ones, the natural environment, our opportunities, and life’s challenges for giving us the empathy and wisdom to help others.” – Ed Bastian

And here’s more Ed. This is a link to a recent presentation he did for Contemplative Life where he offers his wisdom on each step and then guides us through the steps of the process >

+ Here are three of my favorite quotes on Gratitude which I offer with the hope that it may be a springboard for your journaling or other creative response to this practice (such as art):

"Gratitude celebrates life with a joyful "yes" at every knot of the great network in which everything is connected to everything." -- Br. David Steindl-Rast

"It’s so much easier, to learn to love what you have instead of yearning always for what you’re missing, or what you imagine you’re missing. It’s so much more peaceful." -- Anna Quindlen

"Your lamp was lit from another lamp. All God wants is your gratitude for that." -- Rumi

+ I am grateful for YOU. You are wonderful. You are fascinating. You offer so much to me and to all creation. Thank You for being such a blessing.


“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” -- Melody Beattie

“When eating a fruit, think of the person who planted the tree.” -- Vietnamese Proverb

"The grateful heart sits at a continuous feast." -- Proverbs 15:15

+ Gary Gach on making every day Thanksgiving day because we are how we eat. > A Book Excerpt on Being Present >

+ In some miraculous, mysterious and marvelous way we have the ability to make life a continuous feast. Every meal can be viewed in a festive way. Every precious moment can be experienced as a feast.

Please reflect on ways you are seeing life in festive ways.

I am connecting the essential practice of humility to the essential practice of gratitude. Humility allows us to overcome ego and become connected to the awesome plenitude of love and joy which makes life festive even breath after precious breath. The third meme in the S&P gallery on Humility addresses this >

Here it the quote by Sri Chinmoy in that meme: “The easiest way to conquer ego is to offer gratitude to God for five minutes daily. Then you will feel that inside you a sweet, fragrant and beautiful flower is growing. That is the flower of humility. When you offer Him your gratitude, God gives you something most beautiful, which is humility. Once it has seen the flower of humility, the ego goes away because it feels that it can become something better: universal oneness.”

You are wonderful. You make life festive. 


+ I am working on the second edition of THE NEW FAITH FOR THE NEW EARTH: THE AMAZING JOURNEY. It will include links to all of THE NEW FAITH FOR THE NEW EARTH blog posts published so far. The fifth blog post offers most of the February group posts and comments. Here's the link >

Household responsibilities currently have priority over my TNFFTNE duties due to a misbehaving dog and a misbehaving living room blind but the next edition will come soon. Also I am engaged in a wonderful and demanding course on THE IMMORTAL DIAMOND by Richard Rohr.

Meanwhile let's keep reflecting on the second step of the InterSpiritual Meditation process: MAY WE (YOU, I) BE GRATEFUL FOR LIFE'S MANY GIFTS.

It is always good to remember the teachers you have had and now have who are guiding you in all kinds of ways toward your ultimate destiny. I keep remembering my seventh and eighth grade science teacher who helped me appreciate all that creation and our knowledge of science has to offer.

Contrary to popular opinion posts by all members of this group are welcome and appreciated. YOU have a lot to share which can be a blessing to us all. You are fantastic and fascinating. Yes, you. I am grateful for YOU, my teacher and my companion on this amazing journey.



It's the second edition of THE NEW FAITH FOR THE NEW EARTH: OUR AMAZING JOURNEY with a focus on the glorious heavenly attribute of Abundance.

Most of you will also be receiving this edition as a Word document via email.  Your encouraging or critical comments are welcome. 


+ The Weaving Home Blog is always a worthwhile read.  Here is a Ritual for Watershed Blessing published on Earth Day >  Thank You Naomi. 


The next edition of THE NEW FAITH FOR THE NEW EARTH: OUR AMAZING JOURNEY will focus on the heavenly attribute of JOY. I seek your contributions on JOY. You can contribute by offering a post on JOY right here.

JOY is one of the nine heavenly attributes I have identified and shared at and my blogs. Here is a link to the page on JOY >

Any time we experience JOY in our lives is a contact with the heavenly realm which is not far away but we are immersed in it if we would only notice, pay attention and be grateful constantly for the gift of JOY.

St. Paul urges us to pray unceasingly. Gratefulness is an essential dimension of prayer and gratefulness leads us to be awake, aware and connected to our oneness as a heavenly being. Ecstasy is always a breath away as we practice, practice, practice. Maybe you are already aware of my favorite quote -- it was in edition 2 -- but I like it so much that I offer it again:

You do not need to do anything; you do not need to leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. You do not even need to listen; just wait. You do not even need to wait; just become still, quiet and solitary and the world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked. It has no choice. It will roll in ecstasy at your feet. -- Franz Kafka

I discovered other great quotes on JOY, some of which I will offer in Edition 3 of THE NEW FAITH FOR THE NEW EARTH: OUR AMAZING JOURNEY. Here are a couple: 

In times of joy, all of us wished we possessed a tail we could wag.

— W.H. Auden

 May all beings learn how to nourish themselves with joy each day.

— Thich Nhat Hanh

 Your turn! 


Antony S. Galbraith is also known as Venerable Myohye Do'an.  He is a member of this group.  He is a Monk in the World and leads Lotus Heart Zen and One Point Mind.  I am a fan.  More than that I have been blessed by his teaching not only on Wednesday evening OPM Mediation and Mindfulness practice but also at the LHZ sangha meetings on Sunday mornings with a chanting practice followed by an intense study and practice of NonViolent Communication.  I am learning that I have been conditioned over the decades of my life to think and even act in violent ways.  We are learning how to change our thinking and acting so we can be a compassionate presence in our homes, neighborhoods, work, clubs, whatever. 

Here is a link to the April 28 One Point Mind invitation. 

Comment  by Antony S. Galbraith: Thank you! Your presence in our study and practice is truly a blessing! 


Appeal To All The Religious Leaders Of The World: 

Pray For India - Friday, May 7, 2021 – A Day of Prayer and Fasting For Covid-19 Pandemic:

I am happy to get connected with all the Religious Community Leaders once again after a long break. One year back all of us were more or less in a similar situation regarding Covid-19. Now India is recording around 300,000 new cases of COVID-19 every single day. The second wave has hit India like a tsunami, and the peak of surge is yet to be felt!  Added to this is the apparent lack of planning, has resulted in the shortage of hospital beds, anti-viral drugs, and oxygen.

I am inviting all religious leaders to observe Friday, May 7 as a Day of Prayer and Fasting for Relief from the Covid-19 pandemic. The Catholic Bishop’s Conference (CBCI), the National Council of Churches (NCC), and The Evangelical Fellowship of India (EFI) have agreed to join us in prayer on this day.

Since we have diverse local circumstances, I leave the choice to every religious institution to have their own mode of Prayer and Fasting. Friday being a sacred day for all the religious communities in India, you could align the Fasting & Prayer along with your ongoing ritualistic practices of Friday. Muslims could take advantage of the ongoing Ramzan Fasting. Similarly, the Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains, Brahma-kumaris, Vaishnavites,  Shaivites, Shaktas, Smartas, Suryaites, Ganapatists, Kaumaras,  and Jews align yourself to your ongoing Friday Prayer events.

I request all the religious heads to inform their respective, Synagogues, Churches, Mosque, Pagodas, Gurdwaras, Ashrams, and Temples about this Day of Prayer and Fasting.

The following could be the Guiding Points for Prayer:

1.)  Invoke God to End the pandemic:

2.)  Prayer for the Healing for those who are infected;

3.)  Prayer of Comfort for those who are mourning,

4.)  Prayer for the Courage for the frontline workers,

5.)  Prayer for the Success of the Efforts of those, who are involved in COVID-19 Research.

6.)  Prayer for the Quality production of Medicine and Vaccines.

7.)  Prayer for Robust Heath all those who are working round the clock in Essential Services.

This Prayer & Fasting has to happen either through Zoom Meetings or through Prayer Chain ( Each one commit a 15 minutes to the organizer at a stipulated time slot and pray. The organizer could ensure that 24 hours is covered this way by at least one person at a stipulated time slot. It would be easy, for running the prayer chain, if you divide the congregation into small Group of 96 people, to pray in all 96 time slots of the day.). People should NOT meet at a stimulated place for Community Prayer, rather they have to remain indoors and pray. 

I request you to document these efforts and preserve the pictures of them. This will be useful for future generations. I would be happy, if people could share the Zoom / Google Meet / M.S. Teams - Link (Meeting ID & PassCode)  / Facebook and YouTube Video Link. I would be delighted, if you could inform me about your Action-plan in advance.

Please share this message widely and make this 7th May, 2012 Fasting & Prayer a major surrendering initiative to the WILL of God. I have prepared a document “How To Pray?” Please download and read that article at:

With affectionate regards and best wishes, I remain

Yours fraternally in God,

Swami Gnanayuthamananda Bharathi

Founder, Sages of the New Covenant

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