Wednesday, January 5, 2022


+ I found this Spiritual Practice offered recently by Spirituality & Practice very helpful and meaningful:

All of the rituals that Buddhists do, the chants and repeated actions, the sitting quietly, the slow movement, are techniques to help us develop the capacity to be fully present in each moment of our lives. They can lead, ideally, to a reverence for all the tasks and difficulties, the suffering, the opportunities for joy of daily life.  — Sandy Boucher in Opening the Lotus by Sandy Boucher

To Practice This Thought: Choose a task that you do daily, like brushing your teeth or setting the table for dinner, and consciously slow down the process, paying attention to each step and to the marvel of being able to act.

+ I am grateful for this practice and for the many practices from a great variety of sources which S&P offers day to day.

+ For the past 2 years I have participated regularly in the Lotus Heart Zen sangha based in Oneida NY and available via the internet in a variety of ways including the Sunday morning gathering. The Guiding Teacher of this sangha is the very wise and compasionate Myohye Do'an. For 5 years I have participated in a weekly Meditation & Mindfulness group which is also led by Myohye Do'an.  This group has met at the UU church in Utica NY but lately has met virtually. It is found on the web at One Point Mind.  I have been blessed by this participation in two communities where the practices which "develop the capacity to be fully present in each moment of our lives" have been taught by an amazing teacher.  

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