Monday, February 11, 2013

THESE ARE A FEW OF MY FAVORITE LISTS as of February 10, 2013


By John A Wilde (as of 2/10/13)

Most of these lists are linked to a web page where you can see the list. 

+ 112 techniques of meditation from the Ancient Indian text, Vigyan Bhairav Tantra

+ 37 Spiritual Practices offered by Spirituality and Practice | Chart | Self-Test

Attention | Beauty | Being Present | Compassion | Connections | Devotion | Enthusiasm | Faith | Forgiveness | Grace | Gratitude | Hope | Hospitality | Imagination | Joy | Justice | Kindness | Listening | Love | Meaning | Nurturing | Openness | Peace | Play | Questing | Reverence | Shadow | Silence | Teachers | Transformation | Unity | Vision | Wonder | X-The Mystery | Yearning | You | Zeal

+ 25 Reasons Why Twitter is Spiritual by Frederic Brussat

+ The 14 Precepts of Thich Nhat Hanh

+ Twelve Practices leading to our Realization that We are a Heavenly Being by John A Wilde

+ The Twelve Pathways to Higher Consciousness by Kenneth Keyes

+ Spirituality and Practice offers The 12s which are loaded with wise quotes and images on a variety of spiritual themes.

+ The Ten Commandments

+ Ten Sufi Thoughts from The Way of Illumination by Hazrat Inayat Khan

+ “Ten Reasons Gandhi is my Hero” by Frederic Brussat

+ The 9 Attributes of Heaven by John A. Wilde

+ The Beatitudes

+ The Eight Points of Progressive Christianity

+ The Noble Eightfold Path of Buddhism

+ Another Version of the Noble Eightfold Path offered at The Big View

+ Seven Centers of Consciousness by Kenneth Keyes

+ Seven Chakras of Hinduism

+ Seven Step Processs of InterSpiritual Meditation

+ Seven Social Sins of Mohandas K Gandhi

+ The Four Noble Truths ofBuddhism

+ The Trinity or the Triune God: Father, Son, Holy Spirit

+ The 3 objectives of the Sufi path by Hazrat Inayat Khan:

+ What Ray heard The Voice say in Field of Dreams:
· If you build it, he will come.
· Ease his pain.
· Go the distance.

+ Two Natures of Christ: Divine & Human

+ The Great Commandment:
· Love God with all your heart, mind, strength and soul.
· Love your neighbor as you love yourself

+ The Great Polarity of Taoism:
Yin and Yang

+ One God

+ One Universe

+ One Earth

+ One Sun

+ One Common Humanity

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