Saturday, July 9, 2016



The happy heart is one that is filled with gratitude. A simple ritual such as bowing and breathing deeply to greet each day awakens joy in us. Each day, each season, each cycle offers something of beauty. Let us notice and give thanks.
 -- Diane Mariechild in Open Mind
This was the OneSpirit Daily Inspiration on 11/30/15.

+ This quote connects the first two steps of the 7 steps of InterSpiritual Meditation offered by Edward Bastian

Step 1 is: May we be happy and healthy.
Step 2 is: May we be grateful.

Too often we take these qualities for granted.  We don’t think about them enough.  We don’t ponder what it means to be happy or healthy or grateful.  I invite you to immerse yourself in your own particular take on happiness, on health, on gratefulness.  Writing is often a good vehicle for this exploration.  You might take a walk in the woods or on the beach or through your neighborhood contemplating these things.  Or, devote several sessions of meditation or contemplation or prayer to these topics.

In Ed’s book on InterSpiritual Meditation (and in the internet course found at the Spiritual Paths website) we are invited to think about and write about a variety of themes connected to happiness & health including:  Mind, Body and Spirit. And, for gratefulness:   Remembrance, Gratitude, Trust, Devotion, Prayer and Offering.

+ To get inspired and illuminated by Ed Bastian, I invite you to set aside some time for (2 hours) and / or (15 minutes).

+ Delight is not one of the 37 Spirituality & Practice practices BUT put Delight in their Search Engine and you come up with 85 items including 67 quotes, 16 books, 1 practice, and 1 film as of 6/14/16.  Go to  However, it is clear that Mary Ann & Frederic Brussat are big fans of Joy. Therefore, put Joy in their Search Engine and you come up with 2057 items including 867 quotes, 835 books, 160 practices, 11 teachers, 24 arts links, 29 e-courses, 98 films, 26 blogs and 4 traditions as of 6/14/16. Oh, and Joy IS one of the 37 spiritual practices. You can also be inspired by their Twelves Gallery on Joy

+ Joy will come up again very soon in these explorations since it is the second of 9 heavenly attributes we will be exploring.

+ I would love it if you offered a guest post on this practice or any practice.  And, I have work to do on my Delight page.  Maybe you can help.  Send an email with the subject “Delight” or “Guest Post” to

+ You can always find a link to any of the Spiritual Explorations posts by going to

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