Wednesday, October 26, 2016


+ We are called to create and enjoy a realm of compassion, peace, justice and sustainable abundance for all.

+ Here are 8 principles of abundance offered by Laurence Boldt in The Tao of Abundance:
·         The Nameless Tao - Wu-ming - Recognizing the unity of all things starts you on the path to true abundance.
·         Nature - Tzu-jan - Learning to receive opens the door to your greatest good.
·         Ease - Wu-wei - Following the path of least resistance brings success with ease.
·         Flow - Ch’i - Circulating the energy in your life strengthens health, deepens relationships, and generates wealth.
·         Power - Te - Honoring your innate dignity and actualizing your inborn abilities is the road to authentic power.
·         Harmony - Yin/Yang - Balancing yin and yang eliminates stress and brings peace of mind.
·         Leisure - Jen - Taking time to be, to grow, and to nurture your relationships gives you the strength to persevere.
·         Beauty - Li - Achieving your destiny is a matter of trusting and embracing the organic pattern of your life.

+ Boldt drives home the idea that the universe is FOR us and not against us.  He points out that Western theology and philosophy has all too often led us to believe the opposite.  This has contributed to our anxiety and our belief that scarcity and not abundance is the norm.  This leads to greed and destructive competition.  The Good News is that there is an awakening going on.  People are becoming more and more aware of how good it is for all of us to cooperate, share, trust each other, accept each other, work tirelessly and effectively for the common good.  This is happening.  Trust the process.  It is natural and it is good and it is amazing.

The Tao of Abundance is one of my favorite books which I go back to again and again.  It is very comprehensive and full of illumination and inspiration.  A good summary is at and I invite you to visit the Laurence Boldt website >

+ Although Spirituality & Practice doesn’t have Abundance per se as a practice, they do offer an abundance of resources  on many practices which are all about abundance including:  Gratitude |  Wonder | Connections | Attention

Also, many of their Twelves Galleries focus on abundance.  With the following links you can quickly  choose among them >

+ I would love it if you offered a guest post.  And, I have work to do on the Abundancetrek Abundance page.  Maybe you can help.  Send an email with the subject “Abundance” or “Heavenly Attributes” or “Guest Post” to

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