Wednesday, January 1, 2020


I am so glad you are reading this.  It is my aim to welcome your ideas, visions, hopes, concerns, experiences, teachings and more during 2020.  I hope you will write some posts and comments.

I have been on a quest for wisdom and new ways to practice my faith for as long as I can remember.  This quest has grown in intensity year after year and especially during the last two decades.  I began 20 years ago and began blogging about 15 years ago.  This website and 2 blogs have plenty of spiritual wisdom and practices which I have collected and put my own stamp on.  I am heavily indebted to Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat of Spirituality & Practice who have inspired me and guided me in so many ways during these 2 decades and even before when they offered spiritual and cultural resources in pre-internet publications, particularly Cultural Information Service.

Approximately 7 years ago I began to study InterSpirituality under the guidance of Dr. Edward Bastian.  This has been an amazing experience which led, in 2017, to my attaining an InterSpiritual Mentor certificate from Ed’s Spiritual Path Institute. 6 of us received these certificates.  We had worked with Ed mostly via online meetings for about 5 years before we “graduated” and celebrated at a wonderful weekend together in Granite Falls, Washington in October 2017.  I had never hung up any previous diplomas or awards in my study.  This one is hanging where I can see it and be reminded of my commitment to InterSpirituality.

I do not regret my career as a Presbyterian Pastor.  Indeed I am still committed to this ministry as a participant at First Presbyterian Church, Utica NY and in the Presbytery of Utica.  But I always felt like something was missing as I have participated in the activities of my denomination and local congregations. What was missing was this emerging paradigm of InterSpirituality. I believe InterSpirituality is a critical way for us to get beyond all those walls which separate us from the rest of humanity and so many creatures.

It was about 10 years ago that I changed THE NEW CHURCH FOR THE NEW AGE to THE NEW FAITH FOR THE NEW EARTH.  I resonated with a book by Harvey Cox called THE FUTURE OF FAITH and a book by Eckhart Tolle called THE NEW EARTH.  Here is a brief description of what I mean by THE NEW FAITH FOR THE NEW EARTH:

non-hierarchical, free, open, loving, caring, compassionate, healing, energizing,
inclusive, humble, non-judgmental, fun, creative, yours, mine.

Christ never meant for the church to be a closed, hierarchical, authoritarian, nationalistic and denomination-alistic institution. Same for the Faith Communities following The Buddha, Muhammad, Moses, Lao-Tse, and other Great Spiritual Teachers.

This description has been on the homepage for just about as long as the website has been around with that significant change just mentioned.

In this first Spiritual Explorations 2020 post I want to provide links to several sources of Spiritual Wisdom and Practices. I hope to come back to these sources again and again in future posts and I hope you will find inspiration and illumination from these wonderful sources. Here goes:
· > This is the website I have offered for two decades with pages on 9 Heavenly Attributes and 12 Spiritual Practices.
·         Spiritual Paths Institute > You will find The Seven Steps of InterSpiritual Meditation and The Mandala of 12 Spiritual Styles, 12 Spiritual Questions and 12 Spiritual Sources.  
·         Spirituality & Practice > The best website in the universe.  See for yourself.  Book Reviews, Film Reviews, E-courses, Meme Galleries, Practices, Teachers, Blogs, Quotes and more.
·         Inner Frontier > Joseph Naft offers hundreds of pages of excellent, informative spiritual guidance.
·         Wahiduddin’s Web > This is a comprehensive offering of the Sufi Wisdom of Hazrat Inayat Khan.
·         The Center for Action and Contemplation > Father Richard Rohr offers inspiration, guidance and wisdom on a daily basis. 
·         One Spirit Learning Alliance > NYC seminary renowned for their Interfaith and InterSpiritual courses
·         Peter Russell > Great philosophical thinker
·         One Point Mind > Inspiring and practical teaching by Zen Master Miyohae Do’an Prajna of Lotus Heart Zen
·         The Charter for Compassion

You could spend the rest of your life finding guidance from even one or 2 of these amazing websites.  And, of course, there are many other great spiritually oriented websites

I hope I can offer a post in the near future where you provide  a list like this of websites you have found offering spiritual guidance.

I invite you to join a group I have begun called SPIRITUAL EXPLORATIONS 2020 >

1 comment:

Naomi at Weaving Home said...

I was listening to an old lecture by Matthew Fox yesterday and he was talking about the same discomfort with the traditional way we've 'done' religion as you are voicing here. He was quoting indigenous wisdom which of course resonates with whole idea of Interspirituality. Another important point he made was the need for us all to be mystics. Exciting!