+ This is a post on the style of The Way of Prayer as we
continue to explore Heavenliness through the lens of the 12 styles of
the Mandala process created by
Edward Bastian. There are 3 more Mandala styles to explore
after this: Reason, Relationships and Wisdom. After that, we move on to the
9 Attributes of Heaven.
Here is more wisdom from Ed on Prayer:
+ Since prayer
requires a wholehearted engagement, our effort is sometimes stymied because one
part of us is praying while another is in doubt. Therefore, in order to fully
engage in prayer, we are forced to resolve our doubts by finding answers to
such questions as: Is there a higher power, or are there spirit beings who can
hear my prayer and help me? Is there a higher state of consciousness within that
can help me rise to this occasion? Can sincere and honest prayer in some way
influence the forces of nature to come to my rescue?
Furthermore, if
prayer requires us to bring our whole being into the act of praying, we must
find ways to bring our own natural spiritual styles, or ways of being, into the
process. By recognizing and honoring our own unique predispositions for
spiritual practice, we forge a way of praying that aligns with these. In this way, we
utilize the arts, our body, our contemplation and meditation, our devotion, our
imagination, our love and compassion, our mystical capacity, our inter-being
with nature, our reason, our relationships and our wisdom. In other words, we
activate our unique set of spiritual styles in the service of the Way of
Prayer. Simply put, we learn to bring the totality of our authentic self into
our prayers. In this way, the Spiritual Paths Mandala provides a context and a process for us to
bring the whole of our being into the simple act of praying.
Ed is a
teacher who likes to ask a lot of questions. So does another teacher I know and love,
Naomi Kelly. And it is good to reflect on questions,
particularly questions which get to the heart of who we are and what we need to
do. Ed likes to say that we need to
harness our spiritual styles or gifts. He
emphasizes this when it comes to prayer as you can see in this quote. We need
to integrate our styles so that we can be more and more awake, aware and
connected to everything.
Prayer, for me, is the one spiritual category which is
inclusive of all the rest. Our whole
amazing journey can be understood as unceasing prayer. In other words we are always praying and our
holy task is to be aware of our praying at this time, at all times. The Good News is that we are praying at this
time, all the time, whether we know it or not.
It’s better to know. Keep practicing.
+ The 7 steps of InterSpiritual
by Edward Bastian are listed in SE21 and SE213. They are
described fully in his book, InterSpiritual Meditation.
+ To get inspired and
illuminated by Ed Bastian, I invite you to set
aside some time for these videos: Seven Steps of InterSpiritual
Meditation (11
minutes) | 15 minute introduction to
InterSpiritual Meditation and the Mandala Process | 2 hour lecture & conversation
+ I would love it if
you offered a guest post on this practice or any practice. And, I have
work to do on my Heavenliness page. Maybe you can help. Send an email with
the subject “Heavenliness” or “Love” or “Guest Post” to John@abundancetrek.com.
+ You can always find a link to any of the
Spiritual Explorations posts by going to http://abundancetrek.com/sepostsaccess.html
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