Friday, August 5, 2016



+ Continuing with the 12 styles of the Mandalaprocess, we are exploring the style of the Body. Edward Bastian writes: 

But the Way of the Body entails more than physical activity. It can also connote a more subtle and refined somatic sensitivity to emotions, stress, spiritual epiphanies and the psychological states that can arise in response to relationships with other people and our physical environment. The kinesthete often learns about subtle mental and spiritual states through the body, being sensitive to the subtle physical sensations that reveal inner emotion, epiphanies or resonance. A certain feeling in your stomach or chest might awaken you to some truth or warn you that something is ‘not right.’ A pain in your back may alert you to an unresolved emotional issue. A quickening of your pulse may alert you to the onset of stress and the need to take remedial action. Indeed, the growing discipline of Somatic Psychology is based on the recognition of this intimate connection between subtle physical and mental states.

+ In other words, Paying Attention or Being Present or Mindfulness definitely includes Body awareness.  Some spiritual guides would say there is nothing more important and maybe that’s right.  What do you think? 

+ We explored the Journey of the Body practices of solitudedevotion and holiness in SE posts 105 to 160

+ The 12 styles of Mandala: Creating An Authentic Spiritual Path: An InterSpiritual Process by Edward Bastian are listed in SE206.

+ The 7 steps of InterSpiritual Meditation by Edward Bastian are listed in SE21 and SE213.  They are described fully in his book, InterSpiritual Meditation.

+ To get inspired and illuminated by Ed Bastian, I invite you to set aside some time for these videos:
·         SevenSteps of InterSpiritual Meditation (11 minutes)
·         2 hour lecture & conversation

Spirituality & Practice offers abundant resources on the practice of Being Present and a 12s Gallery on Being Present

+ I would love it if you offered a guest post on this practice or any practice.  And, I have work to do on my Heavenliness page.  Maybe you can help.  Send an email with the subject “Heavenliness” or “Guest Post” to

+ You can always find a link to any of the Spiritual Explorations posts by going to

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