The Devotee is
naturally loyal and lovingly committed to a job, a relationship, a set of
principles, a way of life, a daily routine, a religious teacher, a spiritual
tradition or a life goal.
Are you
more prone to faith than skepticism?
Are you
are naturally loyal to a job, a person or a community?
Do you
yearn to be dedicated to a greater cause or higher principle?
Do you
long to be committed to a spiritual teaching, teacher or higher power?
MANY OF OUR MOST important life-goals are
virtually impossible to achieve without commitment and dedication. Whether the
goal lies in the fields of athletics, academics, the arts, society or
spirituality, we need to be devoted to our objective, to our teacher, and even
to the founder of the tradition of our teacher. Why? Because, in practical
terms, devotion helps us to be steady, consistent and determined. Simply put,
devotion is a practical psychological tool for accomplishing any life-goal.
We naturally devote
ourselves to the things we think will make us happy. But, during the course of
our lives, we are often disillusioned because the objects of our devotion don’t
always bring us happiness. When this happens, we shouldn’t blame devotion, but
rather, the false hopes and dreams we projected onto the object, person, goal
or idea to which we were devoted.
+ Since we have already explored the practice of
Devotion on this amazing
journey, we will not be exploring this style for more than this post. I urge you to keep working on this essential
practice and possibly write about it and share your experiences here. Send an email with
the subject “Devotion” to
+ I would love it if you offered a guest post on this practice or any practice. And, I have work to do on my Heavenliness page. Maybe you can help. Send an email with the subject “Heavenliness” or “Guest Post” to John@abundancetrek.com.
+ You can always
find a link to any of the
Spiritual Explorations posts by going to
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