+ Continuing with our exploration of the 12 styles of
the Mandala
process, we now move on to the style of the Dreamer, or the Way of
Imagination. Since this is a new area of exploration on this journey we will
stay with this style for a while.
Bastian writes:
The Dreamer
naturally dwells in the imaginary awareness of possibility, intrigued by images
arising from the limitless depths of consciousness.
Do you
have vivid and memorable dreams?
Are you
drawn to spiritual symbols, icons and imagery?
Are you
naturally interested in mythological stories and beings?
Have you
had a rich and vivid imagination since childhood?
THINK about it, everything we do involves imagination. This is true both when
we are awake and when we are asleep. Imagination is a part of every perception
and cognition—the food we choose for breakfast, the thoughts we think, the
words we speak, the scents we smell, the forms we feel, and the sounds we hear.
+ The ability to imagine is a wonderful gift. We can use it for many purposes, indeed all
purposes. It can lead us into all kinds
of opportunities to be creative and happy and it can get us into trouble too. In other words, we need to be intentional and
careful with this gift.
+ The 7 steps of InterSpiritual Meditation by Edward Bastian are listed in
SE21 and
SE213. They are described fully in his book,
InterSpiritual Meditation.
+ To get inspired and illuminated by Ed Bastian, I invite you to set aside some time for these videos:
+ Spirituality & Practice emphasizes the practices of
Beauty, Creativity, Imagination & Wonder: The Practice of Beauty | The 12s Gallery on Beauty | The 12s Gallery on Creativity | The Practice of Imagination | The 12s Gallery on Imagination | The Practice of Wonder | The 12s Gallery on Wonder
+ I would love it if
you offered a guest post on this practice or any practice. And, I have
work to do on my Heavenliness page. Maybe you can help. Send an email with
the subject “Heavenliness” or "Imagination" or “Guest Post” to John@abundancetrek.com.
+ You can always find a link to any of the
Spiritual Explorations posts by going to http://abundancetrek.com/sepostsaccess.html
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