Friday, August 9, 2024


WHAT IS THE NEW FAITH FOR THE NEW EARTH? The New Faith for the New Earth IS happening.  I know it is.  A critical mass of humanity is on board and spreading the Good News of this New Thing in all kinds of ways.  It defies definition and always will but it can be described in countless ways.  Here’s one I have just received from that mysterious source of wisdom I call The Heavenly Council: 

The New Faith for the New Earth is simply

the growing awareness of the unity of all creatures on earth.

You learn this through a practice of service to all

in whatever way that you can do this

with your gifts and your devotion.

Share this good news. 

Do you feel it?  Can you describe what’s happening in your own unique and important way?

Many teachers and musicians from the Sikh Community are offering powerful inspiration and illumination these days.  Here are links to three songs which affirm this growing awareness of the unity of all creatures > A Thousand Suns | Bliss (I am the Light of My Soul | The Angels are Listening (Suni-ai)  |


I invite you to join THE NEW FAITH FOR THE NEW EARTH Facebook Group. You can see these posts with comments as well as other posts and you can share your amazing journey with others. You are amazing and your ideas are welcome. I would love it if you would join and offer posts or comments. 


Previous posts in this series >  WNF 1 | WNF 2 | WNF 3 | WNF 4 | WNF 5 |


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